Textbook of Psychiatry for Southern Africa

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First published in 2000, the Textbook of Psychiatry for Southern Africa 2e is a textbook for medical and allied health care students in Southern Africa.
As a trusted resource for medical students in their clinical years, the Textbook of Psychiatry 2e is a key reference for doctors during their internship, community service, and in practice. Undergraduate students in allied professions, including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Logopaedics, Psychology, Nursing, and Pharmacy will find it invaluable, as will postgraduate students studying the Diploma in Mental Health and Master's Degrees in Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Family Medicine, and Internal Medicine.

Representing the work of thirty-six expert contributors from thirteen institutions, the book covers community-based primary health care and offers a South African, multicultural perspective on psychiatric disorders. It adopts a biopsychosocial, developmental and multisectoral approach, within a primary health care context, to build a holistic understanding of psychiatric care in a developing country.

In addition, the book includes comprehensive coverage of special topics, including women's disorders, cultural psychiatry, HIV/Aids and psychiatric services; while case studies illustrate the complexity of disorders.

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