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Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, Sixth Edition , presents core anatomical concepts in a concise, student-friendly format.
As with the leading, comprehensive Clinically Oriented Anatomy text, this succinct resource is widely acclaimed for the relevance of its clinical correlations, emphasizing anatomy essential to physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. The text’s hallmark blue Clinical Boxes highlight the practical value of anatomy, accompanied by extensive surface anatomy and medical imaging features that clarify key concepts and structures to help build clinical confidence and equip students for success in practice.
Updated, renowned blue Clinical Boxes explore the practical applications of anatomy, and helpful icons distinguish the type of clinical information covered in each.
New and updated surface anatomy and physical examination photos help you grasp the clinical context for key structures and skills.
Surface Anatomy boxes with overlay illustrations enhance your clinical and diagnostic capabilities.
Medical Imaging boxes containing a wealth of plain and contrast radiographic, MR, CT, and ultrasonographic images provide a real-life clinical perspective that strengthens your anatomical knowledge and application.
A thorough “Overview and Basic Concepts” chapter equips you with the foundational understanding of systemic information, terminology, and basic concepts.
Chapter outlines and illustrated tables highlight key topics and information for efficient study.